Spring Fever...Already?!

Ok, so I know it's not quite spring yet but with the weather we have been having lately (sun-shiney days with a cool breeze and some showers blowing in this weekend), who can't help but catch a little spring fever?!  I know I sure have.  So I thought it was time to spruce up my shop & blog (notice the new banner?), my patterns, and the NeoGrandma logo.  I'm so excited to show you!  Ok, here goes:

Haha, now that I put it there it doesn't look that different!  With the little design added to NeoGrandma, I am able to shorten my logo to fit it on small spaces...like so:

Oh, how cute!  What do you think?

Coming up:
The next phase in my (soon-to-be) spring cleaning is introducing new items and patterns to my shop.  I have tons of winter items that I've created but haven't quite finished writing and formatting the pattern to.  I'm pretty sure I'll still put them up in my shop since we really do have a few months of winter left.  Plus, it's never too soon to start making some cozy items and gifts for next year!  I've actually picked up some knitting needles and have started my very first knit design!  Let's see if I'm able to finish it. ;)