NeoGrandma is offering a LOVEly promotion through February:  All Patterns Just $.99!!

Yay, I just love promos!  There are really several reasons for celebration:

#1  It's February...the month of love!  Or maybe it's just the month of hearts.  Seriously, I see hearts everywhere I go!  Either way, I'm happy to jump right in.

#2  Have you heard of Craftsy?  It's this fairly new awesome website where you can find how-to's and classes on just about anything you can think of in the craft universe.  Well, they recently added a section for...you guessed it...PATTERNS!  Yippee!  Naturally I jumped right into this as well.  Go check it out, I think you will find it very interesting: NeoGrandma's Craftsy Pattern Store.

#3  NeoGrandma's blog is getting a face lift!  I'm working with Stephanie G Designs to create a lovely new look.  I can't wait to get it up!

#4  Have any of you noticed the weather lately?!  Here in the central valley we have been experiencing some beautiful spring sunshine and crisp breezes.  It's the perfect combination for some serious inspiration.  My hooks have been flying (I've got so many ideas and projects going I had to buy some more hooks! haha) and I WILL get some new patterns out soon.  I bought myself a daily planner as things seem to keep speeding up and piling on.  Hopefully this will get me organized and on top of actually finishing something I've started.  I've already noticed slight improvement so we will see if it lasts.

Although I could go on and on about things that I'm celebratory about, I'll spare you.  For now:
Happy Heart Month!!